ZEBRA Project Unleashes Eco-Forward Wind Turbine Blades, Redefining Renewable Energy Landscape

The ZEBRA (Zero Waste Blade Research) project, driven by French research center IRT Jules Verne, brings together industrial companies and technical, economic, and environmental relevance of their Mo plastic wind turbine blades. Renewables will be key in a low carbon future. In order to meet the 2 degree climate goal, the share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption must increase from 19% in 2017 to 65% by 2050. By then, the share of renewable energy in electricity generation should be roughly 85%, up from an estimated 25% in 2017. The physical impacts of climate change are among the … Continue reading ZEBRA Project Unleashes Eco-Forward Wind Turbine Blades, Redefining Renewable Energy Landscape