World Laughter Day: Unveiling the Healing Power of Laughter with Dr. Madan Kataria’s Insights!

When we feel happy, we laugh. We laugh when we come across something which is not in order. Laughter indicates innocence. A child laughs when she/he sees a funny thing. We also laugh when we see a humorous situation! A hilarious comedy makes you laugh. There is a therapeutic or healing aspect to laughter, so Dr. Madan Kataria started celebrating World Laughter Day from 1998. He says that laughter does not know geographical boundaries. It is universal. It is spontaneous. It relieves you of your tension. That is why there are laughter clubs. Comic shows, books, and films give birth … Continue reading World Laughter Day: Unveiling the Healing Power of Laughter with Dr. Madan Kataria’s Insights!