White-tailed Deer CWD Detection in Louisiana’s Jefferson Davis Parish and Washington’s Spokane County Sparks Fresh Alerts

Louisiana identified a new case of White-railed Deer with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Jefferson Davis Parish on November 7, 2024, while Washington reported its second case in Spokane County during the modern firearms hunting season. These cases add to the growing presence of CWD across North America, where the disease now affects 35 U.S. states and 5 Canadian provinces. The Louisiana case emerged at a deer farm participating in the USDA’s CWD Voluntary Herd Certification Program. “The Office of the State Veterinarian has established a surveillance zone for herds near the affected deer farm and is diligently reviewing recent … Continue reading White-tailed Deer CWD Detection in Louisiana’s Jefferson Davis Parish and Washington’s Spokane County Sparks Fresh Alerts