Tiktok Activism Leads To The Removal Of Indigenous Skull From North Carolina Auction

Advocates for Native American heritage halted the sale of a 600-year-old Indigenous skull in North Carolina.

An Indigenous advocate, Crystal Cavalier-Keck, found out about the sale through TikTok.

The online listing for the skull did not fall under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) hence making it illegal.

Even though the sale of human remains is legal in many states, NAGPRA makes an exception for Native American remains.

In response, around 25 protestors from various tribal groups came together at the auction house to revolt.

Cavalier-Keck successfully bid on other Native American historical items to prevent cultural appropriation.

Marion Werkheiser, an attorney for the American Indian Sappony tribe, demanded an immediate stop to the sale.

The owner of the auction house had to eventually pull out of the skull sale at the event.

Eventually, the auction house owner plans to work with tribal members to repatriate the remains.