
The Trials for Toregem Biopharma's Innovative Drug that Promises Natural Tooth Regrowth has Begun!

By Rahul Somvanshi

Oct 11, 2023

Toregem Biopharma unveils a revolutionary drug, aiming to make dentures obsolete by stimulating natural tooth regrowth.


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Targeting the USAG-1 gene, the drug activates 'tooth buds,' potentially enabling the development of new teeth.


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Eyeing a 2030 market launch, Toregem schedules clinical trials for July 2024, promising a future of non-invasive dental solutions.


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Successful animal trials with ferrets highlight the drug's potential, marking a leap forward in regenerative dental science.


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In 2025, trials will target children with anodontia, offering a new hope for those unable to develop permanent teeth genetically.


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Toregem extends its vision to adults, aiming to regenerate teeth lost to cavities and age, broadening its impact scope.


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Katsu Takahashi envisions tooth-regrowth medicine as a new, viable alternative to dentures and implants in the dental industry.


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Kyoto University-backed Toregem Biopharma gears up for human trials, potentially reshaping the future of dental care.


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