California's rich flora is attributed to its ancient trees, each contributing to the state's unique natural charm.
The state's forests faced significant challenges in 2022 due to drought and warm temperatures.
The majority of the tree mortality observed was in true fir, which accounted for over 77% of the total number affected.
The central Sierra Nevada Range and the north interior of the state faced the most severe tree mortality.
The mountain pine beetle remained a steady cause of tree mortality, affecting whitebark pine primarily.
Douglas-fir mortality increased dramatically, with the highest concentration observed in the north and west of the Redding area.
Ips sp. caused a significant increase in pinyon pine mortality in the White Mountains of far eastern California.
Incense cedar mortality was widespread but underrepresented in aerial surveys.
The report serves as a wake-up call to take prompt action to protect California's forests and ecosystems for future generations.