The Impact of Masks on Virus Transmission: Results of Comprehensive Studies
A comprehensive study on efforts to combat COVID and the flu was conducted by 12 international scientists.
78 studies were evaluated on the effectiveness of various mitigation strategies, including masks, social distancing, and hand washing.
The studies were all randomized controlled trials or cluster-RCTs, considered the best design to minimize confounding factors.
Hand-washing was found to be effective in preventing the spread of illnesses, but wearing masks in public had little to no impact.
Masks were still mandatory in various settings despite low levels of viral transmission.
Public health officials initially recommended wearing masks as a precautionary measure, but it became a mandate as its effectiveness became questionable.
Those who resisted the mandates were criticized and labeled as irresponsible.
Despite the mandates, some leaders were observed not wearing masks themselves in situations where they were requiring others to do so.
Officials who mandated masks in 2020 had a justification for their actions, but those mandating masks in 2023 do not have the same excuse.
If mask mandaters fail to acknowledge their errors, they risk losing credibility and authority.