Green Sun

The 61-Year-Old Grapefruit Tree: A Loved Family Member

Green Sun

The grapefruit tree, now over 6½ feet tall, has been a part of Mark Was' life for 61 years and is now officially a part of his family.

Green Sun

Was and his mother sowed a seed from half a grapefruit when he was just in second grade, and the plant that grew from it has survived for over six decades now.

Green Sun

The grapefruit plant has weathered high winds, deer, squirrels, and Wisconsin winters while dwelling with Was and his wife Linda Gendrich in their sweet home in Wauwatosa.

Green Sun

Shifting the nearly 100-pound tree in and out of the house every winter and summer is quite the effort, requiring blankets, bungee cords, and twine to buckle in the branches and protect walls from scratches.

Green Sun

Despite Gendrich's occasional pleas to remove the tree, it remains an undetachable family member and is regularly pruned and cared for to keep it thriving.

Green Sun

The grapefruit tree is rootbound and needs a pot change with fresh soil every three years, but as Was' mother told him, all it needs to thrive is water and sunshine.

Green Sun

The tree has graduated from plastic pots to whiskey barrels, and its size requires a family effort to move it into the house.

Green Sun

The grapefruit tree is a living reminder of Was' childhood, some unforgettable memories, and a symbol of persistence and love that has become a part of his family's story.

Green Sun