Scientist Claims 93-Day Underwater Stay Made Him '10 Years Younger: Diving into Immortality

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– Joseph Dituri, a University of South Florida professor and scientist, has stayed underwater for 93 days and claims it has made him "10 years younger."

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– Telomeres, DNA sequences attached to the end of chromosomes, usually reduce as humans age, but Joseph's telomeres were observed to be 20% longer after his time underwater.

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– Living under the sea has had positive effects on Joseph's body, including improvements in deep REM sleep, a drop in cholesterol levels, and reduced inflammatory markers.

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– Tests have shown that Joseph's telomeres are now 20% longer than before, along with an increase in stem cells and improved sleep and cholesterol levels.

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– The pod Joseph is living in is like a hyperbaric chamber with high levels of pressure.

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– Pressurized chambers like the one Joseph is living in are considered essential in anti-aging trials.

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– Joseph's underwater living experiment provides valuable insights into the effects of a pressurized environment on the human body and the potential for anti-aging research.

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– Joseph now has 10 times more stem cells in his body than at the start of the research.

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