The 2030 Plan for a Green Economy shapes Québec's efforts towards aiding nations vulnerable to climate impacts

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The 2030 Plan for a Green Economy shapes Québec's efforts towards aiding nations vulnerable to climate impacts

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Benoit Charette underscores the essence of supporting nations most exposed to climate change impacts

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The Adaptation Fund has allocated US$1 billion since 2007, impacting 41 million people through various projects

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UNEP highlights a financial gap in adaptation needs and provisions, especially in developing nations

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Québec’s C$10-million is a vital contribution amidst the vast financial resources needed globally

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Martine Biron affirms Québec’s stance in standing with vulnerable developing nations against climate change

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Human-centric approaches in climate change adaptation strategies underscore the urgency of effective policies

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Mikko Ollikainen expresses gratitude for Québec's pledge, reflecting on its potential global impact

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