Plastic Waste and Extreme Flooding Threaten 218 Million Lives: Raging Waters and Plastic Peril
218 million of the world's poorest people are on the verge of having their livelihoods and lives affected as a result of severe and recurrent flooding due to plastic waste.
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Plastic waste pollution combined with climate-driven extreme weather events has made urban communities worldwide more vulnerable.
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Plastic-related flooding is increasing on a greater scale and is contributing hugely to extreme flooding scenarios.
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Plastic waste in regions like Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Bangladesh, and Indonesia has been causing more frequent and severe floods.
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Plastic pollution mostly affects poor and marginalized communities already at the receiving end of environmental crises.
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Last decade saw the intensity of plastic pollution double and is estimated to triple by 2060, with just 9% of plastic being recycled worldwide.
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Vulnerable communities face additional risks due to poor urban planning and infrastructure exacerbating floods.
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Addressing plastic pollution is crucial to mitigating the risks of plastic-aggravated flooding and protecting vulnerable communities.
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