Switching to electric heating with high-efficiency heat pumps and better insulation can reduce home energy use by 30% and lower costs, according to MIT research.
Two indoor cats in Michigan, owned by dairy workers, died from H5N1 bird flu. Learn how this virus breached household barriers and the potential implications for pet owners.
Recent tests reveal that 65% of popular bandage brands, including Band-Aid and CVS Health, contain PFAS 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer and other health risks.
Indiana's Medicaid spending on autism therapy skyrocketed from $14M to $120M in two years, with $56M in improper payments uncovered. Learn how these financial challenges are prompting.
Discover how, during the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists deployed AI-powered saildrones to monitor Alaska's krill populations, ensuring the continuity of vital marine ecosystem data.
Witness the Einstein Probe's groundbreaking detection of a rare X-ray flash from a massive star and white dwarf duo, offering unprecedented insights into stellar evolution.