Benjamin Von Wong is the artist behind this giant art installation titled, ‘Turn Off The Plastic Tap’, This giant levitating tap is shown spewing plastic waste, more specifically single-use plastic.
Forust puts waste sawdust to proper use by creating 3D printed wood. It is creating strong, beautiful and carbon-friendly wood products from wood waste.
Ventana Surfboards and Supplies based in Santa Cruz, California, create hollow & reclaimed wooden surfboards; bodysurfing hand panels, eco-friendly and sustainable surf supplies.
At the heights of waste production and more significant carbon emission, it is important for any organization to look after the climate, and the Indian company Doodlage does the job with perfection
Ever wondered how tiny and insignificant we are before the universe? The General Sherman which is the World’s largest living tree will most certainly make one feel that way.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) announced that Alaska’s Bering Sea’s Snow Crab Season is canceled for 2022-23 in a notice on the 10th of October.