Musk Urges ISS Deorbit by 2027; NASA Aims for 2030

Rahul Somvanshi

Elon Musk demands early retirement for the International Space Station, pushing for deorbit in 2025.

Photo Source: Duncan.Hull (CC BY-SA 4.0)

NASA's original plan faces disruption - space station operations were set to continue until 2030

Photo Source: Martian Room Consulting, Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Behind the debate: SpaceX lands $843 million contract to build spacecraft that will bring ISS back to Earth.

Photo Source: SpaceX (CC0 1.0)

Scientists race against time to complete vital space research - over 4,000 experiments hang in balance.

Photo Source: Poughkeepsie Day School (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Zero gravity unlocks new possibilities: pure medicine development and advanced communication cables take shape above Earth.

Photo Source: Collections GetArchive (PDM 1.0)

Space life changes astronauts: bones weaken, muscles shrink - crucial lessons for future Mars missions.

Photo Source: BruceBlaus (CC BY 3.0)

Five nations unite at ISS, while 18 countries send astronauts to this football field-sized laboratory.

Photo Source: Babelia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Young minds connect with space: students talk to astronauts through amateur radio, sparking science dreams.

Photo Source: CommunicationsTCS (CC BY-SA 4.0)

NASA stands firm on 2030 timeline, prioritizing research while Musk eyes immediate Mars exploration.

Photo Source: Embajada de EEUU en Argentina (CC BY 2.0)