Miraculous Rediscovery of Extinct Fairy Lantern Shocks the Botanical World
After 30 years of being thought extinct, a rare species of plant called Thismia kobensis, also known as the fairy lantern, has been rediscovered in Sanda City, Japan.
The plant is a part of the Thismia genus, which lacks green leaves and photosynthesis, and instead feeds on fungi and is supported by trees.
The discovery of T. kobensis has shed light on the biogeography and evolutionary history of the entire group of fairy lanterns.
The study has suggested that the sporadic distribution of Thismia americana in North America may be due to migration through the Beringia land bridge.
Logging has nearly destroyed the forested areas where the plant was found, making the discovery of
T. kobensis crucial for conservation efforts.
The rediscovery of T. kobensis may help spur local efforts to secure official protection for these areas and other Thismia species.
Thismia species are small and unnoticeable, but they are considered one of the most extraordinary and curious genera in the plant kingdom due to their peculiar look and ways of survival.
Many of the needs of each plant in the Thismia genus can only be learned from the site of their original discovery, and occasionally even from a single plant.
The recent rediscovery of T. kobensis highlights the importance of preserving and protecting natural habitats to ensure the survival of rare and endangered plant species.