Hitachi Energy Launches Innovative HyFlex for Sustainable Hydrogen Power

By Karmactive Team

– HyFlex outperforms traditional diesel generators, significantly reducing CO2 emissions and supporting a cleaner environment.

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– Designed for flexibility, the HyFlex generator caters to both temporary and permanent power needs, ranging from 400-600 kVA to 1 MVA units.

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– Marco Berardi of Hitachi Energy highlights HyFlex's role in decarbonizing industries and aiding the transition to Net Zero.

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Hitachi Energy plans to launch a movable HyFlex generator in 2024, with a permanent version following in 2025.

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HyFlex's safety feature minimizes risks, with low-pressure hydrogen storage offering a safer alternative to traditional generators.

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Hitachi Energy's green hydrogen solutions extend beyond power generation, encompassing electrolyzer systems for optimized energy storage and conversion.

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