Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Elon Musk reveals portions of Twitter's proprietary algorithm.

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Musk makes Twitter's algorithm open source to improve it with the help of volunteers.

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Many fixate on controversial sounding bits of the algorithm, but without context it's unclear.

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Former Twitter executive says that without open sourcing the training set, it's dishonest.

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Musk's move is seen as a political declaration in the form of a GitHub repo.

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Twitter publishes a blog post that explains how the Home Mixer algorithm works.

Elon Musk exposes Twitter's algorithm secrets

Machine learning models are crucial to the algorithm's capabilities, but are not included in the code release.