Einstein's Plunge Proven: Oxford Study Captures Black Holes' Inescapable Zones
By Rahul Somvanshi
By Rahul Somvanshi
First-ever observation of the "plunging region" around black holes has been made.
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Einstein predicted this phenomenon over a century ago, and now it's confirmed
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Researchers at Oxford University led this groundbreaking study.
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X-ray data from NASA’s NuSTAR and NICER telescopes were pivotal.
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Particles in this region fall into the black hole at near light speed.
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Dr. Andrew Mummery explains how plasma undergoes its final fall into a black hole.
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This cosmic event is happening 10,000 light years away from Earth.
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The study provides new techniques to examine the strongest gravitational fields.
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A new telescope initiative aims to capture more images of black holes in our galaxy.
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