Earliest Bow and Arrow Use Found in Sri Lankan Rainforests: Unveiling Ancient Secrets

Archaeological excavations in Sri Lanka have revealed the earliest bow and arrow use outside Africa.

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These findings date back approximately 48,000 years.

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The invention of the bow and arrow revolutionized hunting by allowing humans to hunt prey from a safer distance, increasing their chances of success.

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The oldest evidence from Africa dates back around 64,000 years.

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Early humans began migrating beyond Africa, reaching the Levant and possibly Greece around 210,000 years ago.

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The settlement of Europe by early humans took longer compared to other regions, with evidence suggesting their arrival between 56,800 and 51,700 years ago.

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The discovery of sophisticated weapons in Grotte Mandrin cave in France challenged previous assumptions about early human settlement and the dominance of Neanderthals.

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These early humans introduced advanced technologies to Europe, including finely crafted arrowheads and bladelets that surpassed Neanderthal capabilities.

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Grotte Mandrin documents the alternating occupation of Neanderthals and modern humans, shedding light on the interactions and the disappearance of archaic hominins in Eurasia.

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