DOE Invests $11M to Harmonize Solar Growth with Wildlife Preservation

Rahul Somvanshi

Photo Source: Quang Nguyen Vinh (Pexels)

DOE unleashes $11M funding initiative through SolWEB2 to resolve conflicts between solar facilities and wildlife conservation across America.

The American landscape transformed with 5,000+ utility-scale solar facilities in the past decade, sparking concerns over land preservation.

 Photo Source: James Guetschow (Pexels)

Photo Source: IRENA (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

SolWEB2 program targets 3-8 innovative projects, with concept papers due February 14, 2025, following January's informational session.

Local communities resist as solar expansion threatens wildlife corridors, leading to widespread bans on utility-scale installations.

Photo Source: Iulia Gheorghiu (Utility Dive)

Photo Source: UC Davis College (CC BY 2.0)

Agrivoltaic systems emerge as promising solutions, combining solar arrays with active farming to maximize land utilization.

DOE seeks strategies for protecting ecosystems while expanding clean energy infrastructure.

Photo Source: Bureau of Land (CC BY 2.0)

Photo Source: Wayne National Forest (CC BY 2.0)

Proposals must demonstrate practical approaches to balance renewable energy expansion with wildlife habitat preservation.