Defending California's Truck Emission Standards in the Courtroom: The Legal Frontier
"The Environmental Defense Fund, the Center for Biological Diversity, and other groups have put forth a motion of 'intervention' for a lawsuit regarding the clean truck standards in California.
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The intervention defends the powers given to California under the Clean Air Act to set truck emissions standards that are more substantial than those of the federal government.
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The issue begins when the US Environmental Protection Agency decides to grant a waiver of preemption to the State of California.
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With the new waiver, the State of California is permitted to follow its Advanced Clean Trucks Rule, which speeds up the usage of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
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It is estimated by the California Air Resources Board that the Advanced Clean Trucks Rule will reduce climate pollution by three metric tons each year by 2040.
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Heavy-duty vehicles make up about one-tenth of the traffic on American roads but are responsible for more than a quarter of the climate pollution from the transportation sector and half of the health-harming pollution.
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California's Advanced Clean Truck Rule can save up to 900 lives by 2040 and eliminate the climate pollution generated by four million cars.
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A group representing trucking and oil industry interests and a coalition of states led by Iowa have filed a lawsuit to overturn the EPA’s decision to grant the waiver.
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