Alaska to Kill 80% of Wolves, 60% of Bears in 2025 Aerial Hunts

Karmactive Staff

Alaska plans to shoot bears and wolves from helicopters in 2025. This aims to grow moose and caribou numbers.

Photo Source: Beni Ziegler (CC BY 3.0)

State officials will permit killing up to 80% of wolves and black bears, plus 60% of brown bears across 20,000 acres.

Photo Source: Shiv's fotografia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

This means reducing wolves to just 35 animals, black bears to 700, and brown bears to 375.

Photo Source: Tambako The Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Alaska's practice of indiscriminately strafing predators is both inhumane and inane," says Rick Steiner.

Photo Source: blmiers2 (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

An October 2024 report shows caribou and moose populations are affected by disease, nutrition, and harsh winters.

Photo Source: Grand Teton (PDM 1.0)

Tourist dollars from people wanting to see these predators far exceed any extra hunting money the state might make

Photo Source: Theme Park Tourist (CC BY 2.0)

The changes forced scientists to stop a 20-year study of wolves in Yukon-Charley National Preserve.

Photo Source: Jukka Lämsä (CC BY 3.0)

Paying state employees to shoot down innocent wildlife is nothing short of distasteful

Photo Credit: Tom Koerner / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (PDM 1.0)