23 Blood-Sucking Fly Species Found in Andamans, 13 New to India

Govind Tekale

Zoological Survey of India identified 23 blood-sucking fly species in Andaman & Nicobar Islands through their 2022-23 research.

Photo Source: Internet Archive

These Culicoides genus insects, locally called bhusi flies, appear similar to flies but share feeding habits with mosquitoes.

Photo Source: Animalia (CC BY 4.0)

Scientific journal Parasites and Vectors published findings of 13 newly recorded species for India, expanding national documentation.

Photo Source: John Tann (CC BY 4.0)

Five species carry bluetongue virus, causing blue tongue discoloration, fever, and facial swelling leading to livestock deaths.

Photo Source: Tony (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Scientists trapped 3,529 adult Culicoides during survey, with 17 species found capable of biting humans, though no transmission reported.

Photo Source: Martin Cooper (CC BY 2.0)

Researchers Mukherjee, Kar, Naskar, Sivaperuman, and Banerjee recorded species like C. barnetti, C. gouldi among 13 new finds.

Photo Source: JonRichfield (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Study shows these midges transmit almost 60 viruses, 40 protozoans, and 24 filarial nematodes affecting animals.

Photo Source: Erik Karits (Pexels)

ZSI team continues genetic studies and population monitoring across unexplored archipelago regions for potential new species.

Photo Source: Picryl (Pixabay)