Wastewater Biopolymers: How Danish Research Could Save 30% of Biomass as Valuable Polymers

In a groundbreaking study published in the journal Current Opinion in Biotechnology in October 2024, researchers from Aalborg University in Denmark have made significant strides in transforming waste from wastewater treatment plants into valuable biopolymers. The REThiNk project, led by Professor Per Halkjær Nielsen from the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, aims to revolutionize the way we perceive and utilize biomass from these facilities. Harnessing the Power of Bacteria  Wastewater treatment plants are home to hundreds of different bacterial species that produce a wide range of biopolymers with unique properties. These biopolymers serve as an adhesive for the bacteria, allowing … Continue reading Wastewater Biopolymers: How Danish Research Could Save 30% of Biomass as Valuable Polymers