Recent UK research has found that vaping might pose greater health risks than cigarettes, with links to heart disease, dementia, and organ failure.
Dr. Maxime Boidin from Manchester Metropolitan University, who conducted the first controlled study on vaping’s long-term effects, warns that vapers may face worse health outcomes than smokers.
“With vapes, you just keep going and it’s much harder to know how many puffs you’ve had. It’s much easier to vape continuously because you can do it in places where smoking might be less acceptable,” Dr. Boidin said.
The study showed both smokers and vapers had damaged artery walls that couldn’t dilate properly—a clear sign of future heart problems. Tests also revealed poor blood flow, increasing the risk of cognitive issues including dementia.
Dr. Boidin believes inflammation caused by nicotine and the metals and chemicals found in vapes, including propylene glycol, contribute to these health issues. The source document notes that substances in chemical flavorings such as carbonyl are known to cause inflammation and oxidative stress, which can lead to artery inner wall damage and cell death.
“When you put this mixture of metals and chemicals into your body you can’t expect nothing to happen,” he noted.
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Currently, 5.1 million Britons aged 16 or over use vapes, with one million having never smoked regularly before, according to official statistics.
Study participant Adam Petrulevic, 25, who vapes “without stopping,” admitted: “I never really smoked, but I started vaping two years ago. I always thought it was much less harmful than smoking.”
Another participant, Marine, 33, who switched from cigarettes to vaping three years ago, said: “I didn’t smoke in the house but now I vape all day long. I’ve noticed that I’m out of breath more.”
The UK government has responded to growing concerns by launching a £62 million research project to study vaping’s effects on young people. This landmark study will track 100,000 children and teenagers aged 8-18 over ten years.
Youth vaping has surged, with one in four 11-15 year-olds having tried it. This trend worries health experts because teenagers’ developing lungs are particularly vulnerable, as noted in the source material.
“The number of non-smokers, particularly young people, taking up vaping is extremely worrying,” said Sarah Sleet from Asthma + Lung UK. “Vaping could put developing lungs at risk, while exposure to nicotine can damage developing brains.”
The government’s Tobacco and Vapes Bill aims to restrict vape flavors and packaging that appeal to children. From June 2025, disposable vapes will be banned completely.
Public Health Minister Ashley Dalton explained: “We know that vaping can be a useful tool to quit smoking, but it’s crucial we have clear evidence on the long-term health harms, especially for young people.”
The government is also rolling out its first nationwide “Love Your Lungs” campaign aimed at young people to expose vaping’s hidden dangers.
Not all experts agree on how dangerous vaping is. Dr. Marina Murphy from the UK Vaping Industry Association countered: “Millions of people have been using vaping products safely for many years. All the available data suggests vapes are unlikely to exceed 5% of the health risks associated with cigarettes.”
Despite this disagreement, Dr. Boidin believes vapes should only be available on prescription as a temporary quitting tool. “The only benefit of vaping is to help people quit smoking, but if they keep vaping the result is going to be the same. If we don’t act now we will see a health emergency in the next ten, 15 years.”
As research continues, health officials stress the importance of making informed decisions about vaping, particularly for young people and non-smokers.
FAQs About Vaping Health Risks
1. Is vaping actually worse than smoking? New research suggests it could be. Dr. Boidin’s study found vapers had similar artery damage to smokers, but vapers tend to use their devices more continuously, potentially increasing exposure to harmful chemicals.
2. What specific health problems can vaping cause? Recent studies link vaping to heart disease, dementia risk, and organ failure. The chemicals in vape aerosols can damage artery walls, reduce blood flow to the brain, and cause inflammation throughout the body.
3. Are teenagers at special risk from vaping? Yes. Teenagers have developing lungs that are more vulnerable to damage. The source material also notes that exposure to nicotine can damage developing brains in young people.

4. What’s in vapes that makes them harmful? Vapes contain nicotine, propylene glycol, metals, and chemical flavorings like carbonyl. These substances cause inflammation and oxidative stress that damage blood vessels and cells.
5. How common is vaping in the UK? About 11% of adults in Great Britain now vape—roughly 5.6 million people. Of these, approximately one million were never regular smokers before they started vaping.6. Should I use vaping to quit smoking? Some experts suggest vaping might help as a short-term tool to quit smoking, but not as a long-term habit. Dr. Boidin recommends vapes should be prescription-only and used briefly to transition away from cigarettes.