Source - KDS444 (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Mystery of the Misplaced Radioactive Capsule Along Australia’s Great Northern Highway

A mining company has allegedly misplaced a radioactive capsule along the Great Northern Highway in Western Australia, as reported by the Associated Press. Authorities are reportedly conducting radiation scans along an 870-mile stretch of road in an effort to locate the lost device. The public has been warned to inspect their tires, as the capsule may have become lodged in them. The capsule is believed to have fallen off a truck during transportation from a mine to Perth on January 10th.

At a press conference on Friday, the Western Australia Chief Health Officer, Andy Robertson, issued a warning to the public to avoid contact with a mysterious capsule. The capsule’s whereabouts are unknown and could be anywhere between Perth and Newman, which are located over 1400 kilometers apart. Robertson also advised anyone who had traveled on the Great Northern Highway between the two cities since January 10th to inspect their tires, as the capsule may have become lodged in them. The Western Australia Department of Fire and Emergency Services has stated that the object does not pose a threat as a weapon, but has advised caution as contact with the material could have potential health implications..

Rio Tinto Iron Ore CEO, Simon Trott, expressed his company’s serious concern over the recent loss of a capsule in transit and offered an apology for any potential harm caused to the public. According to Trott, Rio Tinto is fully supporting the authorities in their investigation and conducting their own internal investigation to determine how the capsule went missing. The Western Australia DEFS is still searching for the capsule along the Great Northern Highway, using radiation scans to check the roads used by the transporting trucks. Despite attempts to reach Rio Tinto for comment, the company did not respond to Insider’s request.

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