‘The Ark’ is a project about dreams, designs, artists and most of all sustainable architecture. Ashwin Parab along with the help of two Ukranians Oleg and Vira set up a small food joint. They build this place from scratch by only using swept materials they found on the seashore.

Sustainable architecture is a way to build up a better environment for the future generations. It is built out of renewable resources without damaging the surrounding. Ashwin is an avid collector of drift woods and is passionate about using it for decoration.

The materials used in the above project are also sustainable, Oleg and Vira have added decoration to the entire place with wooden logs that come floating on the seashore and other items that washed up, they have used dried leaves, upcycled artifacts that were thrown away, and the decor made out of seashells were gift worm their Russian and Ukrainian friends.

‘The Ark’ aims to help in connecting with people to clean the surrounding, and to build a better and sustainable food joint. A place where everyone can witness the many upcycling possibilities and enjoy great food.