Source - Victoria Police

Stranded Woman Survives 5 Days in Australian Bushland on Lollipops and Wine : Dramatic Rescue

May 9, 2023
1 min read

An Australian woman named Lillian was reported missing for five days in the Australian bushland. She had apparently taken a wrong turn and ended up stuck in the mud. For five days, Lillian, 48, survived on lollipops and a bottle of wine. She had no means to call for help while stranded in the dense bushland.

Authorities in Victoria conducted an extensive search operation and finally located Lillian’s car using a police helicopter. Lillian was found safe and taken to the hospital for dehydration treatment.

The dramatic rescue was caught on video by the police helicopter. Lillian’s near and dear called the police when she didn’t make her daily call to check in with them. Lillian was stuck in a region with no cell phone service, making it impossible for her to call for help.

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Lillian’s car heater helped her stay warm overnight as the temperature dropped to 36 degrees in the area. Wodonga Police Station Sergeant Martin Torpey praised Lillian’s great common sense for staying with her car and not wandering off into the bushland.

Lillian had only planned a short day trip and had taken only a couple of snacks and lollipops but no water with her. The only liquid Lillian had was the bottle of wine she had bought as a gift for her mother. Lillian was extremely relieved and grateful to be rescued after being lost in the bushland for five days.

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