Scientist Claims 93-Day Underwater Stay Made Him ’10 Years Younger: Diving into Immortality

June 10, 2023
2 mins read
Source - Joseph Dituri (Instagram)

A scientist named Joseph Dituri has stayed underwater for 93 days and claims it has made him “10 years younger.” Joseph Dituri is a professor at the University of South Florida. Joseph is living in a small pod below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean for research. The experiment is to study the effects of living in a pressurized environment on the human body. Joseph has already broken the world record for living underwater and plans to complete 100 days. Medical examiners have measured Joseph’s vitals and telomere levels and found some interesting results.

Telomeres, DNA sequences attached to the end of chromosomes, usually reduce as humans age, but Joseph’s telomeres were observed to be 20% longer after his time underwater. Joseph now has 10 times more stem cells in his body than at the start of the research. Retired naval officer Joseph Dituri has spent 93 days living in a small pod beneath the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. He broke the previous record for the longest time spent living underwater, with the target to beat being 73 days.

Joseph believes his time underwater will have done wonders for his lifespan. Living under the sea has had positive effects on Joseph’s body, including improvements in deep REM sleep, a drop in cholesterol levels, and reduced inflammatory markers. The highly-pressurized environment in the pod is credited with these positive changes. Joseph stayed in a similar chamber to what astronauts use during space travel.

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During his time underwater, Joseph worked out for an hour every five days using exercise bands. Tests have shown that Joseph’s telomeres are now 20% longer than before, along with an increase in stem cells and improved sleep and cholesterol levels. The pod Joseph is living in is like a hyperbaric chamber with high levels of pressure. Previous studies have shown that time spent in hyperbaric chambers can re-lengthen telomeres and potentially extend lifespan.

Joseph is surprised to see that he has maintained his muscle mass and become leaner while living underwater. The stem cells in Joseph’s body, which have a reversing effect on aging, have multiplied by 10. Pressurized chambers like the one Joseph is living in are considered essential in anti-aging trials. Testing on these chambers are carried out to check if they can increase human lifespans or slow down the aging process.

Joseph recommends creating places cut off from outside activity where people can experience the benefits of hyperbaric medicine. More stem cells in the body could be a signal of health and longevity. Joseph’s experience raises the idea of living under the sea for health benefits.

People could potentially spend a two-week vacation in such environments to experience the benefits of living in a pressurized environment.

Joseph’s story encourages us to consider the benefits of living under the sea and exploring hyperbaric medicine. You can learn more about Joseph’s undersea living experience on his Instagram page. Joseph’s underwater living experiment provides valuable insights into the effects of a pressurized environment on the human body and the potential for anti-aging research.

Govind Tekale

Embarking on a new journey post-retirement, Govind, once a dedicated teacher, has transformed his enduring passion for current affairs and general knowledge into a conduit for expression through writing. His historical love affair with reading, which borders on addiction, has evolved into a medium to articulate his thoughts and disseminate vital information. Govind pens down his insights on a myriad of crucial topics, including the environment, wildlife, energy, sustainability, and health, weaving through every aspect that is quintessential for both our existence and that of our planet. His writings not only mirror his profound understanding and curiosity but also serve as a valuable resource, offering a deep dive into issues that are critical to our collective future and well-being.

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