Santander Invests $79.88 Billion in Fossil Fuels Post-Paris Agreement, Contradicting Sustainability Claims

Last year, Santander Bank once again positioned itself as one of the main institutions investing heavily in fossil fuels and in the degradation of the Amazon and the Arctic, according to the new annual report, “Banking On Climate Chaos.” Despite boasting on its website of its goal to “achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050,” the company increased its investments in the fossil industry by 77% in 2023 compared to the previous year: it moved from the 32nd to the 31st position globally with a total of $14.544 billion. In total, they have allocated $79.881 billion since 2016 (when the … Continue reading Santander Invests $79.88 Billion in Fossil Fuels Post-Paris Agreement, Contradicting Sustainability Claims