Sailing Towards Sustainability: Cargill and Bar Technologies’ WindWings Set to Revolutionize Maritime Emissions

A cargo ship equipped with Bar Tech WindWings, a groundbreaking innovation by Cargill and Bar Technologies, has embarked on its maiden voyage. This ship, boasting 10-story high rigid sails, is set to test WindWings sails that harness the timeless power of wind to decrease fuel usage. The technology holds the promise to decarbonize cargo ships by up to 30%, aiding the maritime sector in achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Wind power stands as a formidable contender to help meet emission reduction goals, but its adoption faces challenges. Stephen Gordon, Managing Director at maritime data firm Clarksons Research, shared with the … Continue reading Sailing Towards Sustainability: Cargill and Bar Technologies’ WindWings Set to Revolutionize Maritime Emissions