Researchers Attribute Lake Tahoe’s Improved Clarity To A Resurgence Of Native Zooplankton

Blue waters of Lake Tahoe are making their biggest comeback in nearly 40 years. The lake’s clarity has been monitored by the University of California, Davis’ Tahoe Environmental Research Centre for 50 years. The improved clarity is attributed by researchers to a resurgence of the lake’s native zooplankton. Since the 1980s, Lake Tahoe has been the clearest for the last five months of 2022. The UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Centre has released these findings in its report viz. “Lake Tahoe Clarity Report 2022”. A decline in clarity was caused by algae growth & fine particles in the late 1960s … Continue reading Researchers Attribute Lake Tahoe’s Improved Clarity To A Resurgence Of Native Zooplankton