Research Finds 33% of Chimpanzees’ Chosen Plants Possess Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Insights for Future Medical Breakthroughs?

Like humans, who have used medicinal plants for thousands of years to improve their health, chimpanzees also employ them to treat their illnesses, according to a recent study led by the University of Oxford.  “Wild chimpanzees consume several different plants, including some that are nutritionally poor but can treat or alleviate disease symptoms. However, until now, it has been difficult to determine whether chimpanzees self-medicate, intentionally seeking out plants with properties that help their specific ailments, or passively consume plants that happen to be medicinal,” the research published in the journal PLOS ONE states. To conduct the study, a team … Continue reading Research Finds 33% of Chimpanzees’ Chosen Plants Possess Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Insights for Future Medical Breakthroughs?