Quebec’s 16,061-Square-Kilometer Nibiischii National Park Protects 15 At-Risk Species in Cree-Led Conservation of Boreal Forest Habitat

Quebec’s boreal ecosystem gained 16,061.5 square kilometers of protected habitat through Nibiischii National Park, Quebec’s 28th national park and first to operate under Cree management south of Nunavik. The protected area, located within the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement territory northeast of Chibougamau, encompasses the 285-square-kilometer Fort Dorval peninsula between Lake Mistassini and Lake Albanel. The park’s ecological value centers on fifteen at-risk species inhabiting its ancient boreal forests. A key conservation feature includes the Témiscamie woodland caribou population’s habitat connectivity through four newly protected adjacent territories: Mont-Yapeitso-et-du-Lac-Giriar, Nibiischii, Rivières-Cheno-et-Papas, and Tête-de-la-Rivière-Rupert, adding 3,886 square kilometers of protected wilderness. … Continue reading Quebec’s 16,061-Square-Kilometer Nibiischii National Park Protects 15 At-Risk Species in Cree-Led Conservation of Boreal Forest Habitat