Pyxis Ocean’s WindWings Trial by Cargill: Cutting 11 Tons of CO2 Emissions Daily 

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) aims to integrate a minimum of 5% low-carbon systems in the maritime sector by 2030. While much of the effort is focused on adopting biofuels, the context is also favorable for the emergence of new, cleaner technologies. This has led to the launch of the world’s first wind-powered cargo ship. During its initial months of testing, the ship has proven its efficiency and positive environmental impact. In the fight against climate change, maritime transport (like many other sectors) strives to combine ecology and efficiency. Aligning with this approach, the cargo ship Pyxis Ocean, managed by … Continue reading Pyxis Ocean’s WindWings Trial by Cargill: Cutting 11 Tons of CO2 Emissions Daily