Poor Blood Sugar Control in Type 2 Diabetes Cuts Immune Function by 40%, Raises COVID-19 Death Risk 10x

A research team from the University of Hong Kong’s LKS Faculty of Medicine (HKUMed) has discovered that elevated blood glucose levels substantially weaken the immune system’s ability to fight viral infections in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients. The study, published in Cell Metabolism, presents concrete evidence of how poor glycemic control directly impacts immune response. Research Findings: 40% Reduction in Immune Cell Function The HKUMed research team analyzed 40 blood samples from T2D patients at Queen Mary Hospital between 2022 and 2023. Their investigation revealed that patients with poorly controlled T2D experienced a 40% decrease in the functionality of T … Continue reading Poor Blood Sugar Control in Type 2 Diabetes Cuts Immune Function by 40%, Raises COVID-19 Death Risk 10x