Pesticide Exposure in San Joaquin Valley of California: Study Finds Banned and Harmful Toxins in 22% of Residents’ Breathable Air

In a startling revelation, a recent UC Davis study found that residents of California’s agricultural heartland, the San Joaquin Valley, are routinely breathing in a cocktail of pesticides, including some that are banned or have unknown health effects. The findings, published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, raise serious concerns about the long-term impact on public health, particularly for vulnerable populations like children. Backpack Sensors Reveal Pesticide Exposure To measure personal pesticide exposure, the UC Davis researchers recruited 31 adults and 11 children from small agricultural towns in the San Joaquin Valley. Participants wore special backpacks equipped … Continue reading Pesticide Exposure in San Joaquin Valley of California: Study Finds Banned and Harmful Toxins in 22% of Residents’ Breathable Air