Over 320,000 U.S. Children Orphaned by Drug Overdoses in a Decade, NIDA Study Shows

A study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which analyzed data from 2011 to 2021, estimates that 321,656 children living in the United States lost a parent aged 18 to 64 to drug overdoses. The rate of children who lost a parent to overdose increased during this period, more than doubling from about 27 to 63 children per 100,000. NIDA Director Nora Volkow, M.D., said “It’s devastating to see that almost half of the people who died from a drug overdose had a child. No family should have to lose their loved one to an overdose, and each of … Continue reading Over 320,000 U.S. Children Orphaned by Drug Overdoses in a Decade, NIDA Study Shows