Every electric car battery and solar panel we use needs nickel. But getting this metal from the ground comes at a price we’re just starting to understand.
New research from the University of Queensland shows nickel mines take up much more land than we thought – anywhere from 4 to 500 times more. When mining companies clear land for these mines, especially in rainforests, they release stored carbon into the air, adding to climate change.
“Nickel is crucial for green technology, but we can’t ignore what happens when we mine it,” says Dr. Evelyn Mervine, who led the study of 481 mine sites worldwide. She found that cutting down forests for mines can sometimes release more carbon than the mining operations themselves.
We currently recycle about 68% of our nickel, but it’s not enough. As more people switch to electric cars and solar power, we’ll need twice as much nickel by 2050. This means opening new mines, even with excellent recycling efforts.
The effects ripple through nearby communities. When mines replace forests, local families who depend on farming and fishing often lose their source of income. Mining operations can affect water quality, impacting communities living near these sites.
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Dr. Mervine suggests a practical solution: “Build new mines in places with fewer trees, like deserts, instead of cutting down rainforests.” This approach would help get the nickel we need while causing less environmental damage.
Professor Laura Sonter adds that mining companies need to be more open about their environmental impact: “We need to know exactly how much forest is being cut down and how much carbon this releases.”
Indonesia shows what’s at stake. The country mines lots of nickel, but this has led to widespread forest loss and community displacement. While mining brings economic benefits to regions, these gains come with significant environmental costs.
The challenge now is finding ways to get the nickel we need for green technology without destroying the environment we’re trying to protect. This means carefully choosing where to mine, improving recycling, and ensuring proper environmental practices.