NetGPT: Huawei New Challenger to OpenAI’s ChatGPT in the World of AI Chatbots

May 10, 2023
1 min read

Open AI’s ChatGPT has made headlines with its clever responses Google introduced Bard to compete with ChatGPT. Huawei has applied the name “Huawei NetGPt” for its own AI chatbot. At present, the trademark application is pending and falls under clause 9, which includes scientific instruments.

Nothing about NetGPT other than its name is currently known. Huawei has previously stated that more advanced AI technologies will be focused on developing rather than incorporating ChatGPT into its products.

With Huawei stepping into the field of AI chatbots, even cooler options may be accessed by consumers in the future. Multiple companies are expected to bring in more innovation in the field, led by the development of chatbots.

NetGPT could be Huawei’s answer to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. As there is no confirmation from the bend yet, an AI chatbot system similar to ChatGPT is expected to be NetGPT. The patent application for NetGPT does not provide any specifics about the chatbot.

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Huawei’s patent application suggests plans for an AI chatbot system. The trademark for NetGPT falling under clause 9 suggests that it is a scientific instrument. Offerings of Huawei’s AI technology could be an important addition to NetGPT.

More competition and innovation in the field of chatbots could be expected with the development of NetGPT. Owing to the success of ChatGPT, many companies have been prompted to develop their own AI chatbots. With Huawei’s entry into the chatbot market, consumers could be offered more options.

Although NetGPT is expected to be a powerful AI chatbot system, its potential is still unknown. Huawei’s focus on developing more advanced AI techniques can lead to more groundbreaking innovations in the field.

With more companies entering the AI chatbot market, there is a growing demand for talented AI developers and researchers. In the coming years, more exciting developments in the field can be expected, and the future of AI chatbots looks bright.

Rahul Somvanshi

Rahul, possessing a profound background in the creative industry, illuminates the unspoken, often confronting revelations and unpleasant subjects, navigating their complexities with a discerning eye. He perpetually questions, explores, and unveils the multifaceted impacts of change and transformation in our global landscape. As an experienced filmmaker and writer, he intricately delves into the realms of sustainability, design, flora and fauna, health, science and technology, mobility, and space, ceaselessly investigating the practical applications and transformative potentials of burgeoning developments.

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