Mount Teide’s 1cm Rise: 500 Quakes Signal Potential Volcanic Activity

The ground beneath Tenerife’s Mount Teide is showing upward movement. Scientists have measured a one-centimeter rise across four monitoring stations over the past year, matching this movement with unusual patterns in the volcano’s behavior since 2016. “We know that we could have an eruption in Tenerife, but the precursor events can occur over two years or over 50,” notes Itahiza Domínguez from the National Geographic Institute (IGN). The current movement is gradual, unlike the rapid 30-centimeter rise seen before La Palma’s 2021 eruption. Deep beneath the surface, the volcano’s plumbing system shows signs of pressure changes. Scientists have picked up … Continue reading Mount Teide’s 1cm Rise: 500 Quakes Signal Potential Volcanic Activity