Moon’s Magnetic Field Resurged 2.8 Billion Years Ago, New Study Reveals Surprising Far-Side Evidence

Chinese scientists have discovered evidence that could rewrite lunar history through analysis of samples from the Moon’s far side. The research, published in Nature on Friday, reveals an unexpected resurgence in the Moon’s magnetic field strength around 2.8 billion years ago. The basalt samples showed magnetic field strengths between 5 and 21 microteslas (µT), according to measurements led by Professor Zhu Rixiang and Associate Professor Cai Shuhui at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Geology and Geophysics. “The magnetic field is a key element in maintaining a planet’s habitable environment. It not only shields cosmic rays but also protects … Continue reading Moon’s Magnetic Field Resurged 2.8 Billion Years Ago, New Study Reveals Surprising Far-Side Evidence