Scientist Rebellion(SR) members are telling the truth about the climate crisis through protests and disruptions. They have planned the biggest action through different non-violence, civil-disobedience movements so far in multiple countries across the planet, united together to make people aware about the global climatic emergency and put effort in bringing stability to the crisis.

American Geophysical Union Convention, Chicago, 16/12/22
Scientist Rebellion activists demonstrated the significance of scientists raising awareness of the climate catastrophe at the American Geophysical Union convention in Chicago. Rose Abramoff and Peter Kalmus took the platform to urge fellow scientists to take climate action.
Concord, MA, 15/12/22
At Hanscom Field in MassPort, 25 Extinction Rebellion protestors, including 4 scientists, demonstrated in front of Atlantic Aviation. The driveway was blocked by 11 activists.
“I cannot personally force the powerful and wealthy to make decisions in the interests of broader human well-being over their personal convenience, but all of us do have a right to peacefully protest the unjust harms that their choices perpetrate.” – Alaina Boyle, a climate policy doctoral candidate
“Once again, world leaders failed to take adequate action to prevent the continuing breakdown of global systems during the UN meetings in November. I’m here because writing letters and signing petitions hasn’t worked.” – Pam DiBona, an environmental scientist
“The wealthiest people in the world are criss-crossing the country in private jets while millions of others suffer from floods, fires, and droughts. How is that acceptable?” – Monty Neill, XR Boston Rebel risked arrests at Atlantic Aviation.
“The stress of heat can exacerbate many chronic illnesses and the health impacts of climate change will be felt more and more as our world warms [due to the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere]. I hope this action helps everyday people realise that we can hold the wealthy and powerful accountable, and that if we work together, we can prevent a lot of suffering.” – anonymous primary care physician who took part in the protest.
Xmas Market, Copenhagen, 9/12/22
In the heart of Copenhagen, scientists conducted a potent and non-violent die-in by occupying a Christmas market.
Their message
Our criminal leaders are exacerbating the climate problem, which will result in widespread death and extinction.
The collapse of ecosystems, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and floods. Extreme occurrences are becoming more intense due to the climate crisis. This year saw the deadliest flood in Pakistan’s recorded history as well as the worst heatwave in the EU’s history, which claimed over 20,000 lives.
A bottomless desire for unrestrained and unequal economic expansion has been blamed for the climate problem, which is a “code red” for humanity. Denmark will definitely be affected by this crisis.
Scientists protested to symbolise the loss of human life brought on by the climate issue and the impending mass extinction.
Scientists distributed fliers outlining what we can all do to thwart the lethal political objective of governments and corporations: Everyone may participate in civil disobedience, therefore organise locally.

COP27, 25/11/22
To demonstrate that the climate issue is already severe enough—that people are already dying and property destruction is occurring— SR Africa played dead at Cop27. They said we should not be discussing the use of fossil fuels, but rather making a rapid switch to renewable energy.
Airport Protests, 10/11/22
What took place on November 10th when 129 scientists were among the hundreds of demonstrators that blockaded 11 worldwide private airports in a call to #BanPrivateJets.
Together, they participated in more than 13 nations as extinctionrebellion.
They said that the elite are still participating in the global climate genocide as 1.5 C draws closer. Private jet emissions are equivalent to those of the typical human over the course of a year in a four-hour flight. Additionally, only 1% of the world’s population contributes more than 50% of all aviation emissions, while 80% of people have never even set foot inside an aeroplane. #ClimateFailure, that is. The extravagant lifestyles of the wealthy elite must end in order to preserve a habitable earth.

Cascais Airport, Portugal, 10/11/22
As part of the global #MakeThemPay campaign, scientists in Portugal demonstrated on November 10th near the airport’s entrance in Cascais with the hashtags “#BanPrivateJets,” “#TaxFrequentFlyers,” and “#MakePollutersPay.” At the bus stop near the airport, which now has truthful advertising, they also used subvertising.
Before recently, the airport in Cascais was only an airfield. Due to a growth in the number of private jets using it, it was given the status of airport. “Carbon neutrality for aviation fuels” is a term that is simply high-level greenwashing. Even if the CO2 from airports like this could somehow be offset (spoiler: it can’t), the impact of NOx, contrails, and aerosols would still be there and at least twice as bad as that of carbon. The fleeting wealth and comfort of the 1% costing the planet the most.

Charlotte Airport, North Carolina, 10/11/22
In Charlotte, North Carolina, on November 10, xr nc, indigenous groups, and members of Scientist Rebellion blocked access to the Wilson Air Center.
Because governments in the Global North continue to give tax incentives to private jet owners even as we give up on the idea of keeping warming to 1.5oC and COP27 ends without any significant initiatives to combat climate calamity. We continue to battle.
Milan, 10/11/22
On November 10th of last year, as part of the #MakeThemPay campaign, activists from ultima.generazione and xritaly, along with scientists scientistrebellion ITA, blocked entrance to the Milano Linate Prime private jet airport in order to demand climate justice.
They demand: Banning private jets, taxing frequent flyers, and making polluters to pay.

BMW, Munich, 29/10/22
At the BMW corporate offices in Munich, 13 members of Scientist Rebellion were affixed to a car and pleaded for the quick decarbonization of the transportation industry.
The property was not harmed. On these actions, all soluble materials were utilised. SR claimed that BMW is yet another firm profiting from global devastation, but we are here to demand that they stop greenwashing and that the German government publicly acknowledge #ClimateFailure. Once they acknowledge their mistake, they may move on with easy emergency measures to completely decarbonize German transportation. To begin with, we demand the reinstatement of the €9 monthly travel pass for public transportation, as well as a 100km speed limit on the Autobahns (which do not currently have a speed limit).
16 scientists and activists, including Angelo, Mauri, Fernando, Victor, Leonardo, Lorenzo, Agis, Hugo, Sylvain, Joseba, Nate, Marta, Manua, Marceau, Jerome, and Wolli, have been imprisoned for this action at BMW.
Many people participated in the demonstrations that were held on November 2nd in support of them and our demands around Europe.

Black Rock, Munich, 25/10/22
28 members of Scientist Rebellion entered the Black Rock offices in Munich on October 25 along with debtforclimate. Black Rock is a perpetrator of the continuation of colonialism since, along with the IMF and the World Bank, they are among the major beneficiaries of the debt crises in nations like Sri Lanka, Zambia, and numerous other severely indebted ones in the Global South.
SR mentioned that no realistic course of action exists to keep global warming to 1.5C or below. Politicians are aware of it. However, poor nations are under pressure to pay back debt to wealthy nations who have made a significant contribution to the climate issue. The cancellation of debt is a matter of common sense and climate justice as a world with a 1.5C+ temperature rise rapidly approaches.
Scientist Rebellion demands that BlackRock cancel all the debt imposed over Global South and also to stop investing in fossil fuel infrastructure and companies as well as other extractive activities. If they go on a path with more than 3 degrees temperature change compared to the pre industrial era climate crisis will escalate with many natural disasters and other climate driven events to follow. They therefore demanded debt cancellation by protesting for climate justice.

Protests of SR Africa
Rebellions carries out a Teach-in and walks ahead of Cop 27. The impacts of Climate change in Nigeria are already becoming unhidden realities. In 2022, flooding has put 70,000 hectares of farmland under water, and 33/36 states have been affected by the flood,580,841 km 2 of land has been affected by desertification with about 62 million Nigerians directly or indirectly affected by desertification. Thus , SR Nigeria requested that debt cancellation by the International monetary fund and World bank should be used as Climate action.
Volkswagen Exhibit, Wolfsburg, Germany, 20/10/22
Along with 6 supporting members, Scientist Rebellion’s 9 members fastened themselves to the Porsche tent in Autostadt. On October 20 Since 2:30 p.m.,, the 15 courageous members occupied the Volkswagen luxury vehicle exhibit in Wolfsburg, Germany. Until CEO Oliver Blume was prepared to speak with them, they were resolved to stay the night.

Direct Action of Germany
SR as a protest against climate failure call for a kind of civil disobedience, a non-violent roadblocking of the Odeonsplatz in Munich. This Climate emergency act resulted in the overnight custody of the Scientists. 18 members of the scientist rebellion were in custody overnight for the crime of speaking the truth to the public, of requesting the government to act against climate failure. Scientists from across Europe are in disruptive, non-violent civil resistance in Bavaria because Bavaria is a symbol for the climate failure of all the industrialised world. Bavaria doesn’t even have a plan for transport sector emissions, and does not publish details on transport emission sources.
When scientists and academics feel the urge to engage in civil disobedience to make their voices heard, instead of listening to them, they were imprisoned.
Debt for Climate in Madrid, Spain
In April 2022, over 1000 scientists in over 25 countries worldwide took disruptive nonviolent actions and engaged in civil-disobedience targeting governmental scientific and corporate institutions to highlight the urgency and injustice of the climate and ecological crisis. On 6th April, at Madrid in Spain , in front of the deputies of Congress, a group of over 50 scientists engaged in an act of civil disobedience to draw attention to the climate emergency. 53 of the scientists were arrested after throwing fake blood on the facade of the National congress. The police used authoritarian tactics to put pressure on the activists.
Decarbonisation of Transport
Decarbonisation cannot be accomplished fast enough to reach 0 emissions at 2 degree centigrade if wealthy nations like Germany continue to pursue growth at usual rates meeting human needs at planetary boundaries. Established climate mitigation scenarios assume continued economic growth in all countries and reconcile this with the Paris targets. Even the ipcc, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, wrote that the GDP is a poor metric of Human well being and climate policy evaluation requires better grounding in relation to decent living standards.

Protestant Movement of Ecuador
After 18 days of National Strike in Ecuador in which 6 protesters were killed by the Police, the government and indigenous leaders conaie confeniae signed a peace agreement . The government has 90 days to act on the protesters’ demand, including stopping new oil projects in Amazon. If the government fails to take action the indegeneous confederation + social movements will take to the streets again. Together with Scientist rebellion Ecuador, they supported this uprising and were on the grounds to defend the environment from exploitation.
Journey of Climate Change at Southern Province of Rwanda
On April 6th, 2022, SR Rwanda took to the streets to show how genuine climate and ecological crises affect our mother Earth and demand everyone to Act Now!
A session held on the ‘journey of climate change’ at ACJ Institution located in Muhanga City in the Southern Province of Rwanda. An overview of the global climate situation was facilitated by David and Fidele (SR Rwanda). Later young people talked and shared real-life stories of the effects of climate change in their communities and homes. Using a game (Climate Fresk Cards developed by a French teacher in Paris), participants also learned about the IPCC report, the lies, suffering and injustice that fall on the global south people, the basic science behind climate change and how young people can especially be part of the solution to the climate crisis.

Two youth leaders will now work with their teachers to set up an environment hub to further the sharing of awareness and to use art, music, story-telling and more to become active players in the Scientist-led rebellion against climate breakdown.
Aside from CO2, CH4, NOx, HFCS etc. emissions, GDP is also closely linked to resource use. High income nations like Germany are again the problem, consuming resources far above the sustainable level. Resource use is the major driver of biodiversity collapse and ecological breakdown. Their heading towards civilisational collapse needs to switch into climate emergency mode. Scientists around the world are pleading that global powers need to take the climate crisis seriously and shouldn’t be considered as radical activists. However, the message is clear. Climate literacy is essential where the society should not get plunged into any irresistible chaos. Youth can become active in the scientist-led rebellion.