Joe Munchin Creates Hurdles In Joe Biden’s Plans To Improve Climate Change & Health Care Conditions As Well As Social Welfare Benefits

July 24, 2022
3 mins read
Photo By Third Way Photo By Gage Skidmore

The Democrat’s senator Joe Manchin is an American politician and businessman who told Democratic leadership that he will not support the major climate and tax provisions proposed in Biden’s bill. Munchkin told the Senate majority leader that he would oppose legislation if it includes climate or green energy provisions or higher taxes on the rich corporations. Joe Munchin Creates Hurdles In Joe Biden’s Plans To Improve Climate Change & Health Care Conditions As Well As Social Welfare Benefits, He specifically mentioned that he will not accept the environmental or tax measures unless he has seen the inflation rate for July which is due on August 10. 

Munchkin said, “Let’s wait until that comes out, so we know that we’re going down a path that won’t be inflammatory, to add more to inflation. I can’t make that decision..on taxes..and also on the energy and climate because it takes the taxes to pay for the investment into clean technology that I’m in favor of. But I’m not going to do something and overreach that cause more problem.” 

Biden said in response to the opposition faced by his own party members that “Action on climate change and clean energy remains more urgent than ever. So, let me be clear, if the Senate will not move to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, I will take strong executive action to meet this moment.” Biden confirmed that there isn’t any negotiation to be attained with his own party members since after decades of opposition finally Democrats have seen progress with the Build Back Better Plan. Biden added, “After decades if fierce opposition from powerful special interests, Democrats have come together, beaten back the pharmaceutical industry and are prepared to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices and to prevent an increase in health insurance premiums for millions of families with coverage under the Affordable Care Act.” 

Reportedly Munchin’s company the Enersystems has been observed to earn millions of dollar from the low-grade coal supply to industries in Fairmost, West Virginia, resulting in high-polluting power plants. Munchkin has been barred from re-election in West Virginia until 2024 because of his climate unconscious efforts. According to campaign finance filing Munchin has received most money from donors in coal mining, natural gas transmission and distribution of oil and gas in between 2021-22. 

Biden mentioned that the Senate will move forward to pass the bill before the August recess. Biden and other Democrats led the Build Back Better bill will focus on eco-friendly clean energy measures amid the ongoing climate crisis happening across the globe. 

The Build Back Better Framework includes goals to reduce the climate crisis, create millions of good-paying jobs, enable more Americans to join and remain in the labor force and growth for the economically lower and middle class. 

According to the framework, it will deliver consumers rebates and tax credits to reduce costs for middle class and lower economic class families shifting towards clean energy & electrification. It will invest more on clean energy technologies such as wind turbines to solar panels to electric cars built with the help of American steel and other materials. 

The framework will also focus on environmental justice by giving 40% benefit of investment to the disadvantaged communities as part of the President’s Justice 40 initiative. Maximum focus will be given to the coastal restoration, forest management, and soil conservation to secure natural wellbeing of the nation. The Biden administration is planning to increase investments in climate smart agriculture that could reach almost 130 million cropland acres per year, representing 240,000 farms. Joe Munchin Creates Hurdles In Joe Biden’s Plans To Improve Climate Change & Health Care Conditions As Well As Social Welfare Benefits. The framework will initiate growth in domestic supply chains in solar, wind, and other critical industries in communities. It will also boast industries such as steel, cement and aluminum through grants, loans, and tax credits. 

The framework has also involved healthcare services and Medicare will be helpful to negotiate high-cost prescription drugs. It will also restrict pharmaceutical companies to suddenly increase drug prices by imposing a tax penalty. Framework mentioned that seniors and people will disabilities not have to pay more than $2,000 a year for their drugs under the Medicare plan. The plan will also lower insulin prices so that diabetic patients don’t pay more than $35 per month. The framework will deliver health care coverage through the Care Act premium tax credits for up to 4 million uninsured people in the states. A 40-year-old would have to pay $450 per month to suffice the health coverage. The framework includes old Americans to access affordable healthcare.  

Tista Karmakar

Tista is a Journalist, Researcher and an avid Media Professional.

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