In a groundbreaking paleontological find, researchers have unearthed fossilized remains of a massive ancient snake species in India’s western state of Gujarat. Named Vasuki indicus after the mythical serpent king Vasuki from Hindu mythology, this extinct reptile is estimated to have measured between 11 to 15 meters (36 to 49 feet) in length, making it one of the longest snakes ever discovered. The fossils, consisting of 27 well-preserved vertebrae, were recovered from the Panandhro Lignite Mine in Gujarat’s Kutch district, which is part of the Naredi Formation dating back to the Middle Eocene epoch approximately 47 million years ago. The … Continue reading India’s Vasuki Indicus: The 49-Foot Giant Snake Fossil from the Eocene Found in Gujarat That Could Have Competed with Titanoboa
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