Goats to the Rescue: Towson University’s Green Solution to Invasive Plants!

Towson University has found a quirky yet effective solution to tackle invasive plants: goats! Since 2014, under James Hull’s leadership at the Glen Arboretum, these four-legged munchers from Harmony Church Farm have been feasting on pesky plants that disrupt the local flora. The Glen Arboretum, a verdant 12-acre space gifted to the university in 1936, is both a learning hub and a protector of Maryland’s native plants. But, plants like English ivy and Japanese honeysuckle have been giving them a tough time. So, why goats? Well, these creatures have a knack for gobbling up these invaders. Hull mentions the other … Continue reading Goats to the Rescue: Towson University’s Green Solution to Invasive Plants!