First Live Footage: Roughskin Dogfish Shark Filmed at 1,054 Meters Depth in Caribbean

In a remote corner of the Caribbean Sea, at depths where sunlight barely penetrates, scientists have recorded the first-ever live footage of the roughskin dogfish shark (Centroscymnus owstonii). The discovery occurred off Little Cayman’s coast, where researchers deployed specialized deep-sea cameras to study marine life at 1,054 meters below the surface. The elusive predator, previously known only through dead specimens caught as bycatch, revealed itself through a series of 54 passes in front of the camera over 11 minutes. This observation marks the first confirmed sighting of the species in the central Caribbean Sea, expanding scientists’ understanding of its geographic … Continue reading First Live Footage: Roughskin Dogfish Shark Filmed at 1,054 Meters Depth in Caribbean