Ottan Studio is an impact startup company based in Istanbul, Turkey, which focuses on up-cycling waste materials into high-quality materials in order to be used in interior and industrial design products. The studio has a vision of transforming natural products into creatives, as they say, “We see the beauty in the pieces of nature people call waste. From seed to tree to life. Our aim is to show that we can create anything from nature without consuming it.”

Ottan Studio is devoted to designing sustainable products such as furniture or decoratives or structural panels which will not create waste but rather remain biodegradable.

The studio reports that 40 football-field-sized forest land is being destroyed due to high consumption. Almost 800 million tons of garden waste is generated in the city along with 1.3 billion tonnes of food waste due to high consumption. If this waste is left untreated, it can create problems for the environment by accumulation.

So, Ottan Studio has expertise in methods of up-cycling natural waste into natural resources. Ayse Yilmaz the founder of Ottan Studio says that she was intrigued by the potential of bio-waste transforming to provide raw materials for sustainable commodities. She states that their main objective is “to protect natural resources from being depleted and to raise awareness about the importance of up-cycling organic wastes in the circular economy.”

Designers and architects working with the R&D team of Ottan Studio have designed commercial materials from up-cycled bio-composites such as food, agricultural and garden wastes. The designers have managed to retain the original color and natural texture of the materials without adding any artificial coloring chemicals. The material is durable and long-lasting than most wood material that we derive from deforestation. The company has provided a list of materials on their website for customers to select and order from any of them to obtain desired products.

Ottan Studio has also added a list of sustainable products to choose from in the Project section on their website. The company officials have made everything available for the customer to select and purchase on Ottan Studio website.

The mission and vision of the studio is to produce sustainable, biodegradable, and toxic chemical free eco-friendly products in cooperation with the United Nations and UNDP’s “Climate Action” sustainable development goals. The company has also claimed to contribute directly to the goals of SDG 9, 12, and 15 with their impact model by building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation.