Dragon 12: Minesto’s Answer to the Future of Sustainable Marine Energy!

In the rapidly evolving landscape of renewable energy, Minesto, a trailblazing Swedish company, has unveiled its latest marvel: Minesto’s Dragon 12 sea-bed connection system. This avant-garde technology, designed to tap into the immense power of ocean currents and tidal streams, stands poised to redefine marine energy’s future. Minesto CEO, Dr. Martin expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Our unique connection system epitomizes the essence of Minesto’s innovation – it’s swift, efficient, and remarkably user-friendly.” This sentiment, shared on 22 August, resonates with the company’s unwavering commitment to sustainable energy evolution. The Dragon 12, a formidable 1.2MW power plant, is the embodiment of … Continue reading Dragon 12: Minesto’s Answer to the Future of Sustainable Marine Energy!