Dead Birds Fly Again: Taxidermy Drones Revolutionize Wildlife Monitoring at New Mexico Tech

New Mexico Tech researchers have created an unconventional solution for wildlife monitoring – drones made from taxidermied birds. The two-year project, spearheaded by Dr. Mostafa Hassanalian, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, uses deceased birds to develop these bioinspired drones. The research team has engineered two versions of mallard duck drones: a flying variant and a swimming robot. “The natural shape and feather structure of a real duck reduces water resistance, allowing smoother and more efficient movement through the water,” Dr. Hassanalian explains. The waterproof properties and natural buoyancy of duck feathers provide stability advantages that artificial materials struggle to replicate. … Continue reading Dead Birds Fly Again: Taxidermy Drones Revolutionize Wildlife Monitoring at New Mexico Tech